At ImagenScience, we always knew there was a disconnect between scientists and the general public. Covid-19 has only widened the gap. In the face of complex, rapidly evolving science and slow health bureaucracies with poor messaging, conversation about the virus has been marked by panic, misunderstanding, and conspiratorial thinking.

Whether or not an image is worth a thousand words, illustration combined with text can speak volumes. And so, at ImagenScience we seek to harness the power of images to clarify scientific discoveries and spread the vital work of researchers in the life sciences, our specialty, during these difficult times.

With Lit Science, we spotlight two kinds of images:

 1) Microscope images that reveal the work and capabilities of individual scientists;

 2) the creative visuals of science and medical illustrators.


We invite you to send us examples of your own work in these areas.

We also offer our own science communication services. And we’re always interviewing scientists on and off the bench, in academia and in industry, to keep our own knowledge and skill sets current.

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